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NCT 127 - Story Of Favorite

NCT 127

by NeoMomentZone 2021. 10. 20. 01:13




My time is forever
Perhaps it is more right to say that it does not flow.
That’s why I like things that have a start and end.
Story #02

When something starts and ends,

I feel the passing of a moment of time.

Story #03

When the night passes and the sun rises, I close my eyes.

And dream.

Tomorrow comes out in the dream. 

It doesn't have much meaning.

My daily life repeats the same anyway.

Story #04

This story started when you suddenly appeared 

In my tomorrow when there was nothing special.

In my long life,

You will become the most special moment.

Who are you? My heart beats fast.

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Story #07

Like a dream, it rained a lot outside.

The air, collar, and steps became heavy in the rain, 

but I walked.

To meet you.

Story #08

I opened the door and entered. 

Like in my dream, 

you were holding a lot of roses.

Story #09


I greeted first as I was glad to see you,


You said as you smiled.

Story #10

I could tell at that moment. 

I will eventually love you, 

whom I should never love.

Story #11

"You must like roses.” 

you asked. 


I like roses, too. 

I waited for your answer that i heard in my dream. 

"I like roses, too."

Story #12

“Please be careful. There are thorns." 

"Yes, thank you." You smiled. 

Please come again. You said

I'll come again. I replied.

That's all I saw in my dream.

I wandered in front of the door for a moment,

Then I turned back and faced you.

And i mustered up my courage to hand over a rose.
Story #14

"Can I meet you in the evening?

In the evening on any day. Let's meet. Us.”

Can I meet you in the evening? In the evening on any day. Let's meet. Us.

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Story #15

In order to not remain in everyone’s memories

My appearance often changes. 


Since we first met, my appearance has changed

But you may remember me from the 

flower shop as how I am right now.

Story #16

I’m sorry I let you remember me. 

I couldn’t help it.

Story #17

Even if other people don’t

I only want you to recognize me.

Fprtunately, you recognized me first and approached me.
Story #18

In my dream, I booked tickets for a comedy movie.

“It was fun.”

You said, as we walked out from 

the theatre after the movie ended.

#18 Lie. I was looking at your face throughout the movie  So, it’s possible to not know your true feelings.
Story #19

"What movie do you want to watch next time?"

At my question, 

you pointed to a poster in the corner of the movie theatre.



With an awkward sigh, I woke up from my dream.

#20 It was evening and I headed to the movie theatre.
Story #20

I have prepared a yellow rose 

Which matches the white dress

That you were going to wear today.

Story #21

We watched the movie you pointed to together.


"Vampires are the main characters." Sounds fun, right?"


I laughed awkwardly at your words

#22 This movie may not have been fun for me
Story #22

But I was so nervous

Sitting next to you

That I couldn't concentrate on the movie.

But I was so nervous Sitting next to you That I couldn't concentrate on the movie.


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YUTA Story

Story #23

After I met you, I’ve come to wait for tomorrow.

It was always exciting to see 

our moments together in my dreams.

Story #24

The things I used to do alone

Now I do it with you.

#24 We spend time reading books
#24 Listening to the songs
#24 And laughing together.
Story #25

I remember you in my dream

Where you losing game and grumbling


So I purposely made a mistake.


You beat me

and laughed like a kid

Story #26

“I think we get along well more than I thought”

You said.


I told the truth. 

That I can see the future in my dream. 

Thats why I could see all of your Favorite.

I confessed sincerely, but you didn’t believe me.

#27 “What else do you like?”
Story #27

“What else do you like?”

I asked you.

You said you like traveling, too.


Especially, you like to see the color of the sea.

There is definitely one sea but 

it's amazing that it looks different colors depending on where you see it.

Story #28

Ever since I met you, 

I started to like the sea.

Even if the only sea I can see is the black night sea


I like everything you like.

Story #29

"Let's go see the emerald sea next time." 

"Okay. Next time.” 

I said.

Story #30

I felt that time was approaching.


Now I'll have to tell you 

a story about me. 

#30 About the reason why I visit you when the sun goes down,
#30 And about the reason why we can't see 
#30 the color of the sea you love together.


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MARK Story

Story #31

To you who have become so precious. 

How should I say this?

About me like this

Story #32

There was silence.

I confessed to you about my identity, 

and you didn't say anything for a while.


Because in my dream, 

I couldn't say it until the end, 

so I have no clue how you will react now.

Story #33

Fortunately, Screaming,


or even storming out in anger as soon as you heard it, 

all of those simulations inside of my imagination,

#33 It’s all gone.
Story #34

“I can erase all your memories if you want”

I start the conversation carefully."

“I can erase all your memories if you want”
Story #35

You looked down at the table after pondered for a moment. 

"What's this food?" 

You asked. 


"You can't cook."

Sadly, you knew me a lot.

Story #36

"So it may not taste good." 

You took a bite of my poor cooking. 

"I can't do that" you replied. 

#36 "I think it will be regrettable  to erase this tasteless omurice  from my memory."
Story #37

You ate the food that I prepared poorly without saying a word. 


I also ate without a word.

Story 38

We burst into laughter as we saw each other 

with food in our mouth.

Story #39

I was scared but i'm grateful to you 

for accepting me casually.


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Story #40

As each other became more precious,

time flew faster as if we just 

pressed the fast forward button.


Maybe that's why your expression 

turns more gloomy 

in dream these days.

Story #41

"What happens after I leave?

You're left alone."


“Well. It's too far ahead, 

so I haven't thought about it."


I smiled to reassure you.

#42  "It's the rainy season soon. Shall we go see the sea?"
Story #42

"It's the rainy season soon. Shall we go see the sea?"


I changed the topic so that what 

I heard in my dream would not come out

Story #43


You're happy like a child.


When it's rainy season, the sky is dark all day, 

I can go out during the day 

even if it's only for a short moment.

Story #44

This rainy season,

We decided to go see the sea together.

Story #45

"Do you like it that much? The sky and the sea 

will be cloudy because it rains, anyway." 


I said because I was worried about you, 

who was expecting a lot.

#45 I said because I was worried about you,  who was expecting a lot.
Story #46

"I want to show you the sea that's not dark."


The corners of your lips went up just thinking about it. 

My corners lips went up too.

#46 My corners lips went up too.
Story #47

You, who loves the sea

i thought that you are resembled a fish.


Swimming freely in the wide world.

Something I can't catch, something I can't put next to.

Story #48

So when you said you would live the same life as me, 

I didn't have the confidence to listen.


Will you be able to live a half-life in this boring and endless time?

Story #49

I didn't want that. 

I wanted you to sleep with the stars, 

have a good dream, and love the sea.

Story #50

On my way back after driving you home, 

Though you're not there, but the car still full of your presence.

Your things, your scent remains

i straight away miss you.


Really what should I do?

What should I do after you left.

#50 Really what should I do?
#50 What should I do after you left.


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Story #51

On the day where we promised to see the sea together, 

I found out through my dream 

that it won't rain that day.

Story #52

I was trying to say that 'I'm sorry' endlessly,


But you didn't answer your phone.

Story #53

I keep touching the gift that I couldn't give to you.

Story #54

“I’m sorry”


because your voice hurt so much

at the end of the phone call


I woke up from my dream.

Story #55

I ran to you.

"I like you the most. I mean… 

I'm so sorry but... please stay with me.”

#55  I like you the most. I mean… 
Story #56

Don’t leave me and bloom in my arms forever.

I put a pendant on your neck.

#56 I put a pendant on your neck.
Story #57

"I'll be by your side forever and always."


You cried in my arms at my confession

Story #58

Let's stay together forever through this misery.

Story #59

"I love you." 


I hugged you tighter so that you wouldn't disappear"

Story #60

Now, our time flows together.

And that's how I thought that everything will be okay.


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Story #61

But why do I keep feeling anxious? 

You no longer appear in my dream

#61 But why do I keep feeling anxious?  
#62 But then you came to me.
Story #62

But then you came to me.

It's a scene that I didn't see in my dream.

Story #63

You handed me a blue rose. 


"Shall we play a game?" Should we listen to a song?"

You smiled casually

#63 You handed me a blue rose.  
Story #64

"What should we do tomorrow?" 

and you asked. 


I paused at the words

#65  "Hey. Do you dream?" 
Story #65

"Hey. Do you dream?" 

I asked. 



You answered casually.

Story #66

"It's strange."

"What is?" 

"I feel like you're going to disappear."

"We're together forever now. 

There's no way I'll leave you and disappear."


You said with a smile.

Story #67

"That's right."

You're in front of me like this.


I put the blue rose where can be seen well.

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Story #68

Nevertheless, the nightmare continues. 

In my dream, you eventually left me,


And i woke up to pain 

even though I knew it was a dream.

Story #69

When I opened my eyes,

I couldn’t see the rose that you gave me as a gift.


I ran to you because I feel anxious.

Story #70

"What happened?" 

You asked, surprised to see me.


I was relieved to see you.

#70 I was relieved to see you.
Story #71

But everything has changed.

Story #72

The rose that I gave you,

The movie that we watched together.

It all changed.

#72 It all changed.
Story #73

I look at your pendant quietly.

"I'm sure I changed it..."

I touched the changed pendant.

Then I looked at you.

#73 "I'm sure I changed it..."
Story #74


Now I realized.


You were so clear that you didn't want to believe it

Story #75

"It's okay." 

You formed a smile.

"If I had known that you had such a short time, 

I would never have let it go."

"I know."

Story #76

“Even in misfortune, 

I would have kept you next to me forever."


"I was happy then and now”

#77  Swallowing my tears, I closed my eyes.
Story #77

Swallowing my tears, I closed my eyes.


I knew this was all a dream, 

and there was no turning back.

#78  “Please don’t go”
Story #78

“Please don’t go”

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The end of Favorite

Story #79

I opened my eyes.

You were not there.

#80  After you leave, I keep dreaming. 
Story #80

After you leave, I keep dreaming. 


In my dreams, 

we go back to our happy time. 

I change my appearance there


and sometimes i try to make different choices.

Story #81

Maybe I could have made you laugh more. 

Could it have sounded a little less?

Wouldn't i have been able to keep you forever next to me.


No matter how hard i try

Nothing changed in the end 

Story #82

After you left and we stopped. 

But I keep flowing. 


It drives me crazy.

Story #83

I'm fragmented

into our bitter destiny

back and forth continuously.

Story #84

No matter how many times that happens,

It won't change.

You, that everything is getting better.

I have no choice but to love and love.

#85  “I love you.”
Story #85

“I love you.”


I closed my eyes again.

Story #86

To go to meet my sea that I can’t see now.

and to meet you that I can't reach.


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